Agents of Change Continuing Education - Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, different states do have different licensing requirements! We recommend searching for your requirements on our website here.
Our primary instructor is Meagan Mitchell, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, who has been providing individualized and group education for over ten years. Additionally, we work with other highly qualified mental health professionals who are experts in key continuing education topics.
With an active annual subscription to Agents of Change Training, you have unlimited and lifetime access to our continuing education materials.
No, there is no maximum! With an active annual subscription to Agents of Change Training you have unlimited and lifetime access to our continuing education materials.
Yes you can! However, we recommend our Unlimited Agents of Change Training subscription because it provides you access to 100+ continuing education courses for one low annual price.
Yes! Agents of Change, #1919, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: 7/26/2023 – 7/26/2024.
Agents of Change Continuing Education provides high-quality materials, including engaging videos, visual slides, and on-the-go audio resources to enhance your understanding of the topics.
Yes, with your purchase, you'll be invited to the Agents of Change community, a supportive skill-building environment. You'll also have access to the Agents of Change team for any questions or assistance you may need.
If you are interested in becoming a content creator, you can learn more about the process here on our website
We are looking for contributors who possess expertise and experience in the field of Social Work, with extensive knowledge in their specific areas of expertise. We value well-rounded and diverse content that caters to the unique needs of Social Workers across various sectors and career stages.
The Agents of Change Unlimited Continuing Education subscription costs $99 and includes access to 100+ CE-credit earning continuing education courses for one low annual price. Start your unlimited subscription today.
Yes, our CE courses are designed to support all learning styles. They include engaging videos, visual slides, and on-the-go audio resources for convenient learning.
Once you have an active annual subscription, you can access the CE materials through our online platform. Simply log in with your credentials to explore the courses.
Yes, with your purchase, you'll be invited to the Agents of Change community, where you can connect with peers and receive support. Additionally, you can reach out to the Agents of Change team via email for any questions or assistance.
Yes, we offer a free course that allows you to earn 1.5 CEUs. It's a great opportunity to explore our content and experience the quality of our courses. Learn more about the free course here.
Yes, we offer a free preview of our courses. You can get a glimpse of the content and structure before making a purchase decision. Learn more about our free preview here.
After completing 100% of the course, passing the posttest, and completing the course survey, you will receive your certificate and CE credits!

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