Free Practice Tests

Agents of Change has hundreds of practice questions to help you prepare for your ASWB exam!

ASWB Practice Exam

Welcome to the Agents of Change list of free practice tests for the Bachelors, Masters, and Clinical ASWB Exams!

Get your 10 free questions, answers and rationales now!

The questions will help you develop the test-taking skills you need for the BSW, LMSW, and LCSW exams. They will also help you get a better idea of how your current study program is working.

Note: Some states use different acronyms for these exams, but the content is the same at the Bachelors, Masters, and Clinical Levels!

Free Practice Questions

The Agents of Change program includes hundreds of practice questions to help you prepare effectively for your licensing exam.

Build your test-day confidence with 100’s of mock practice questions, video walkthroughs, and comprehensive rationales. Agents of Change will help you get comfortable with the language of the exam.

The program also includes a 75 question practice exam, which can be upgraded for only $15 to a full-length 150 question exam.  The content that you will find in these practice exams will help prepare you well for the actual exam and help you refine your studying and test-taking skills.

Other Free Resources

Here are some other great free practice test resources to help you prepare for your BSW, LMSW, LCSW exam!

You can’t review too many practice questions, so we recommend checking out these resources too:

YouTube Exam Question Overviews

Looking for a more interactive, visual, and auditory walkthrough of over 50 free practice test questions? 

Check out the Agents of Change YouTube channel playlist for practice questions

Meagan will walk you through the questions, answers, and rationales so you can be prepared to pass on your test day! 

We also recommend that you subscribe to our channel for “Social Work Shorts” covering important ASWB topics like Personality Disorders, Program Evaluation, Reliability vs. Validity and much more!

Want to Learn More About a Specific ASWB Exam?